Man kills 12-foot python after it bites him on testicles in toilet

Vaibhav Sharma

North news,

Chandigarh, August 22

A Thai man had a terrifying encounter when a 12-foot python bit him on the testicles while he was sitting on the toilet. Acting quickly, he grabbed a toilet brush and beat the snake to death, leaving his bathroom splattered in blood, the news outlet New York Post reported.

Thanat Thangtewanon felt a sharp pain after sitting down on Tuesday. He reached down, grabbed the snake by the neck, and tried to remove it from his privates. “I felt something biting my balls. It was very painful, so I put my hands in the toilet to see what was wrong. I was shocked that I grabbed a snake,” Thangtewanon recounted. When the snake wouldn’t let go, he used a toilet brush to beat its head, causing it to release its fangs, according to the news outlet.

“I quickly stood up and plucked it out. I felt pain, really bad pain, and there was blood everywhere, but I was more shocked to have found a python in the toilet,” he added. Jaw-dropping photos he posted on social media show the now-dead serpent lying in his blood-splattered bathroom.

Thangtewanon was immediately taken to the hospital for a tetanus shot but didn’t require stitches. “My testicles are safe now. I’m lucky it wasn’t a venomous snake. A cobra would have killed me,” he said. He also admitted that he hasn’t used that toilet again since the incident, as per the news outlet UK Mirror. However, media reports did not clarify where in Thailand the attack took place. This isn’t the first such incident; several others in Thailand have been bitten by snakes while using the toilet in recent years. In May 2016, a 10-foot python bit Attaporn Boonmakchuay’s penis while he was relieving himself in Chachoengsao province, the BBC reported.